The toolkit is designed to help your parish explore its engagement with, and response to, our diocesan identity and priorities that connect us together.
The toolkit is designed for a PCC to discuss together, and should lead to the development of a response. It will also signpost you to other resources, guides and support that can help you to explore specific issues in more detail.
If your parish already has a mission plan or a strategy then that can help feed into your discussions and response.
Our hope is that your discussions and response to the questions posed will support the development of the ministry, mission and outreach of your parish.
A message from Bishop Mike
Our vision and priorities can inspire us to new levels of hope and commitment, but in order to do that they must be more than just words on the page.
We need to ensure that our vision, as expressed within 'Creating connections', is not just something to which we simply pay lip service, but becomes something which guides our prayers, our actions and our decisions at all levels.
I am incredibly excited about God's plans for our churches, our diocese, and our world. We can make a huge difference to our communities as we enable every person, wherever they are, to encounter and connect with the Good News of Jesus.
My hope is that this toolkit will help you to explore and consider how our collective vision, as expressed within 'Creating connections', can support and guide ministry and mission within your parish and strengthen our sense of connectedness with one another.
I would encourage you to read the toolkit, access the resources that are being made available and take time as a PCC to consider and discuss the questions it poses. I would urge you to engage with this as a matter of priority.
Please do send me your responses to the questions in this toolkit so that I can pray for God's blessing on your ministry and mission as you connect with Him, each other and those around you.
Go and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19