The coaching staff are very keen to instil the ethic of self-discipline into England's playing staff that whatever they do on the pitch or off the pitch they are to match the privilege of being an elite English player with the responsibility of behaving responsibly 365 days of the year. It is on the basis of this ethic that the resurgence of English rugby is being founded.
The parallel with the Christian life is irresistible.
The privilege of being a child of God brings with it the responsibility of living the life 365 days per annum. This is not a bad basis for some healthy self reflection during the season of Lent. Jesus is no fair weather saviour and he's not asking for fair weather disciples. Trusting Him when life is good is, at one level, not a problem (although at such times it can become self-righteous apathy), but trusting him in life's difficult times is something else.
For the Christian faith to make a mark in today's culture in the west we need to think about becoming 365 Christian disciples.