Creative Arts Network

Photo © Eleanor Jane Lee | Image from The Creative Year; Lee J; Tangent Books; 2015 1  photograph at St Michael & All Angels Church, Bedminster, Bristol. Used with permission.

“The more I think it over, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. “ Vincent Van Gogh

The Creative Arts Netowrk is a Diocesan network of people who believe in the efficacy of the creative arts in the ministry and mission of God. We have noted how creativity often targets an emotional, visceral response; this seems to happen because artistic expression nearly always speaks of our shared human narrative. 

Jesus Christ certainly appreciated the value of story telling. In some circumstances it may be the only vehicle that will reach an individual.

The network seeks to:

  • Promote the creative work undertaken by parishes which may also serve as a resource for others;
  • Connect artists within churches, with others working and living within the Diocese;
  • Identify churches that are particularly engaged with creativity - to be an encouragement and/or resource to others;
  • Initiate and support creative arts projects;
  • Share stories of creative arts projects undertaken by artists and churches to inspire others;
  • Provide chaplaincy to those working in the creative arts.

Find out more about the network by connecting with it at Kingdom Creatives:

Rev Erica Bebb; Diocesan Chaplain for the Arts

Erica has been involved in the creative arts ministry for many years, including, along with her husband Richard, running a Christian performing arts company. She has served as writer, producer and director of dance and musical theatre productions in concert halls, theatres and community contexts.  Erica was ordained in 2009 and is based parochially at Christ Church Clifton where she serves as Pastor for the Arts, especially within ‘kingdom Creatives’ the Christ Church Fresh Expression initiative that has amalgamated with the Bristol Arts Sphere. Erica is also licensed to minister within the Diocese.

If you would like to know more please contact Erica on
Erica is also available for artists/creatives in 1 to 1 sessions up to 1 hour max on Skype or Zoom.

‘...and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills – to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts.’   Exodus 31:3 Today’s NIV Translation


Kingdom Creatives network.
Showcase is a fresh approach to youth ministry that explores how human creativity can help us think about and connect with Christian faith.

Diocesan Creative Arts Grant Fund

The fund exists to support and invest in engagement with the creative arts by Anglican Churches in the Diocese of Bristol.

The fund is particularly concerned with supporting projects, work and initiatives which further the creative arts within Diocese of Bristol Churches within the following areas of focus:

  • have a focus on sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with people;
  • provide opportunities for people to encounter the Christian faith and Christian community within Diocese of Bristol churches;
  • deliver a resource for artists and creatives for personal and spiritual development;
  • are concerned with issues of justice and oppression.

Applications for funding should be submitted for consideration by the Fund Managers through Revd Erica Bebb. Whilst there is no limit to the amount of funding that can be requested, please be advised that this is a small seed funding fund, with limited financial resources, that is unlikely to fund repeat applications.

Applications must be made by, or with the expressed endorsement of, an Anglican church in the Diocese of Bristol. For further information please email:

The fund has supported an online carol service for the city of Bristol, an immersive street production of the nativity story in Swindon and a series of photography exhibitions in Downend.


Photo © Eleanor Jane Lee | Image from The Creative Year; Lee J; Tangent Books; 2015 1  photograph at St Michael & All Angels Church, Bedminster, Bristol. Used with permission.

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