We are shaking things up at the Diocese – do you want to get involved by becoming a Reverse Mentor?
Thank you to everyone who has been involved in helping us to shape our future by working with us on the 'Transforming Church. Together' strategy. We remain committed to being open, inclusive, and having God at the centre - and you all have a role to play.
Part of our transformation involves us becoming more representative of the people we serve. We do not yet have the diversity of staff needed to ensure that all views are represented at the centre of these projects. Our Reverse Mentors will help to ensure that the leadership of these activities are challenged with a diverse range of views and lived experiences.
What does it involve?
Reverse mentors will be paired with Diocesan leaders, to help influence and act as a critical friend during the delivery of the biggest strategy the Diocese of Bristol has ever implemented.
Can I become a Reverse Mentor?
Anyone can be a Reverse Mentor but we especially welcome participation from those from under-represented groups, and have approached a wide range of people and organisations who may be able to work with us on this journey.
How to apply?
The application is simple. Just follow these easy steps:
- Email the 'Transforming Church. Together' team at: TCTProgrammeOffice@bristoldiocese.org
- We will send you a simple application form to fill in and return (If you require a different application method - e.g. phone or video - please let us know.)
- We will review your application and try to match you to one of our Project Leaders. We will be in touch to let you know whether your application has been successful.
If you would like an informal chat about the role in advance of your application please email the Programme Office team or call 0117 906 0199.
Download a Reverse Mentor Info Pack Download the full role description
Download an Easy Read pack Download a large print version
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