Diocese of Bristol Academisation Strategy
Introduction to Academisation for CE schools
Since the Academies Act 2010 schools have had the option to convert into an academy, joining a Trust separate from the local authority. In addition, if a school is judged by OfSTED to be ‘failing’ it can be directed to become an academy and will be sponsored by a strong multi-academy trust (MAT).
The Bristol DBE encourages maintained schools to form positive collaborations and partnerships with all types of school, which could lead to joining a MAT. This is to ensure that sufficient strong partnerships of church and community schools will be formed, so that schools can work together to share good and outstanding practice, and thereby support one another to improve and help address the economic sustainability issues of, particularly, small schools.
If you would like to find out more about the process of joining an Academy Trust, please contact Jo Willis.
Key Contacts:
Jo Willis – Foundation Governance and Academy Trust Advisor
Ali Driver – Governance and Schools Support Officer
All VA and Academy schools are responsible for drawing-up and agreeing their own admission arrangements annually, and for publicly consulting on their admission arrangements periodically. CE schools must also consult with the Diocese prior to any public consultation.
When constructing admission arrangements CE schools in the Diocese of Bristol must follow the School Admissions Code as well as Diocesan Guidance.
Admissions training
Is your school or academy responsible for its own school admissions?
The Diocese has a responsibility to provide these schools with guidance on admissions law and the admissions process.
The Diocese seeks to support all Church schools to conduct their admissions processes correctly and within the law.
Training, suitable for governors and/or school staff to attend can be arranged by contacting Jo Willis.
The course will aim to:
clarify governors and school staff responsibilities within the admissions process;
highlight some common mistakes that schools make;
answer any questions that arise.
The Diocese is able to provide support and training for school admissions. Please contact email if you would like training or guidance on admissions.