Here you will find forms to help you in the administration of your parish and PCC. For information and guidance for treasurers, click here.
Parish Officer Job Descriptions
Role Description Churchwarden
Role Description Secretary
Role Description Treasurer
See also:
Guidance for Churchwardens
Safeguarding Responsibilities: Churchwardens
Safeguarding Responsibilities: PCC Members
Parish Officer Forms
Nomination Forms
The Church Representation Rules regarding eligibility to serve changed during 2016, and so new forms should be downloaded for 2021 APCMs.
Please visit the Parish Resources website for the latest APCM nomination forms for Churchwardens and PCC members. These nomination forms contain a declaration for newly elected trustees, being: (i) confirmation of trustee eligibility (i.e. non-disqualification under charity law) for all trustees to sign; and (ii) a Fit and Proper Person declaration. You should receive this from all PCC members, including those who are ex-officio or serving following Synodical election. This can be done by using Trustee Eligibility and Fit and Proper Persons Declaration.
Parish Officer Information Return
Following your APCM meeting you will need to complete an online audit of the postholders in your parish. You can do this by requesting a new link to your parish data by emailing There is a flowchart to take you through the process here.