LLM Handbook

As Christians, the key handbook is the Bible! The Bible helps us draw near to God, guides us in life, and shows us our part in Christ’s Body. As LLMs, it also provides a focus for sermons and guidance to our witness. However, since LLMs have a formal recognised role within the Church of England, there are also processes and guidance which we need to follow within our current areas of ministry.

The LLM Handbook gives guidance on training and LLM ministry. For individual policies, see LLM policies.

Formally authorised and recognised lay ministry has a long history and is found in many Christian denominations. The Brief History of LLMs offers a perspective which roots LLM ministry in the earliest days of Christianity.

National LLM ministry is guided by the Bishops’ Regulations for Reader Ministry which can be found here. The Central Readers’ Council is the organisation which oversees and supports national LLM ministry. Their website Transforming Ministry can be found at Transforming Ministry Magazine.

More specific guidance and LLM policies for the Diocese of Bristol can be found on this page.

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