The Bishop's Council is the senior committee of the diocese. It is responsible for considering matters of policy; advising the Diocesan Bishop, and determining how matters should be taken forward to the Diocesan Synod for further consideration. The Bishops Council acts in several different capacities:
As the Standing Committee of Diocesan Synod, the Council:
- Advises the Bishop in Council
- Prepares agendas for the Diocesan Synod (delegated to the Business Committee)
- Develops policy for the Synod to debate
- Receives tasks from the Synod
As the Directors and Trustees of the DBF it:
- Is responsible for central diocesan finances
- Approves the DBF's budget and the annual Report and Accounts before presentation to Synod
- Is responsible for complying with legislation
As the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee it:
- Has oversight of Diocesan Deployment
- Considers and authorises pastoral schemes
- Interacts with the Deanery Pastoral Committees
The following people currently represent the Diocese of Bristol at the Bishops Council (from 1st January 2025):
The President | Rt Revd Vivienne Faull |
The Suffragan Bishop | Rt Revd Neil Warwick |
The Archdeacons |
Ven Becky Waring |
The Dean | Very Revd Dr Mandy Ford |
The Chairman of DBF | Mr Richard Bacon |
The Vice-Chairman of DBF | vacant |
Chair of House of Clergy (ex officio) | Revd Trudie Wigley |
Elected Clergy | Vacant |
Revd Kaf Smith | |
Chair of House of Laity (ex officio) | Mr Bruce Finnamore |
Elected Laity | Mrs Julia Childerhouse |
Mr John Sunderland | |
Dr Clare Jefferis | |
Mrs Alison Rowe | |
Vacant |