Bishop's Council

The Bishop's Council is the senior committee of the diocese. It is responsible for considering matters of policy; advising the Diocesan Bishop, and determining how matters should be taken forward to the Diocesan Synod for further consideration. The Bishops Council acts in several different capacities:

As the Standing Committee of Diocesan Synod, the Council:

  • Advises the Bishop in Council
  • Prepares agendas for the Diocesan Synod (delegated to the Business Committee)
  • Develops policy for the Synod to debate
  • Receives tasks from the Synod

As the Directors and Trustees of the DBF it:

  • Is responsible for central diocesan finances
  • Approves the DBF's budget and the annual Report and Accounts before presentation to Synod
  • Is responsible for complying with legislation

As the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee it:

  • Has oversight of Diocesan Deployment
  • Considers and authorises pastoral schemes
  • Interacts with the Deanery Pastoral Committees

The following people currently represent the Diocese of Bristol at the Bishops Council (from 1st January 2025):

The President Rt Revd Vivienne Faull
The Suffragan Bishop Rt Revd Neil Warwick
The Archdeacons

Ven Becky Waring
Ven Christopher Bryan
Revd Adam Beaumont

The Dean Very Revd Dr Mandy Ford
The Chairman of DBF Mr Richard Bacon
The Vice-Chairman of DBF vacant
Chair of House of Clergy (ex officio)  Revd Trudie Wigley
Elected Clergy Vacant
  Revd Kaf Smith
Chair of House of Laity (ex officio) Mr Bruce Finnamore
Elected Laity Mrs Julia Childerhouse
  Mr John Sunderland
  Dr Clare Jefferis
  Mrs Alison Rowe
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