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Address: Bell Hill Stapleton Bristol BS16 1AR
Contact: Contact Stapleton: Holy Trinity
Telephone Number: 07380 570547
Website: https://holytrinitystapleton.org/
Services and Events: View events on A Church Near You
Welcome to Holy Trinity Church in Stapleton! You can't miss us - you'll spot the church spire from a long way away. But church is more than a building; we are a friendly community of local people of different ages and backgrounds, learning to trust and follow Jesus together. We host different groups and activities during the week, and we gather on Sunday mornings in the church at the top of Bell Hill in Stapleton. Everyone is welcome.
We meet for a more traditional service at 8.30am on a Sunday, and a more contemporary service at 10.30am. The 10.30 has a mix of songs, readings, learning, sharing and praying together before we go to our different parts of church, when we have activities for children and an engaging talk for the grownups.