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Address: Daventry Road Knowle West Bristol BS4 1DQ
Contact: Contact St Barnabas, Knowle
Telephone Number: 01275 544045
Services and Events: View events on A Church Near You
St Barnabas Proud to be serving the people of Knowle West
For more information please contact the Priest in Charge - Rev Clive Hamilton
email: barnabassaint01@gmail.com
Please note that the main landline is NOT Receiving incoming calls due to a change of service provider on 25 July. This may take several days to resolve. Please use the email address above to send any messages. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Welcome to St Barnabas
We are a small but growing, lively, informal church with modern worship, accessible teaching, and Sunday School for children.
At St Barnabas you’ll receive a warm welcome, and meet people of all different ages and stages of life.
Sunday Services
Sunday Services are at 10.00am with Sunday School for Children. On the 4th Sunday of the month we have a Family Service for all ages. The usual pattern of services is:
1st Sunday - Holy Communion
2nd Sunday - Morning Praise
3rd Sunday - Holy Communion
4th Sunday - Family Service
Tuesday's (alternate)
Men's Shed - 10am to 2pm (approx), a group of people starting a Men's Shed in our upcoming Sensory & Peace Garden. This is a safe, welcoming space where we work, talk and share hospitality.It is creating space for change and support. All are Welcome!
Wednesday's -
12:30am to 2:00pm - BS4 Foodbank; in conjunction with South & East Bristol Foodbank and inHope Bristol, church is open for #morethanfood support please note this service is run on a by referral support basis. Referral via support agencies or our Vicar
7pm - Cafe Church, Fellowship, Bible Study, Discussion, Prayer. 7.00pm weekly (During Term Time)
Thursday's - 10am to 2pm - A Welcome Space /Place of Welcome - a safe space for all ages to meet for refreshments, warm drinks, food, fellowship. There is a small knit and natter group but other activities take place including painters and table games. (Please contact the Priest in Charge for information).
Friday's - MESSY CHURCH - For Families Crafts, Bible Story, Singing & Meal 3.30pm to around 5:30pm. Messy Church is generally on the 3rd Friday of the month during term time although we sometimes move the date to avoid school holidays .
Please check the latest news pages.