The Safer Recruitment and People Management Guidance provided by the Church of England includes different stages to the recruitment process. The Toolkit provided here outlines the process and includes template documents to use at each stage. In addition the Parish Safeguarding Hub tool enables parishes to record safer recruitment and training information for all of its staff and volunteers.
Safer Recruitment Toolkit and Guidance
If you think you need a DBS for your role or that it needs updating, please speak to your Parish Safeguarding Officer.
Role Descriptions
These are a sample of possible role descriptions for some roles you may have in your church or parish. They are not exhaustive or in any way prescriptive. You may wish to edit and add or amend certain responsibilities as these will differ between parishes. If you need a role description for a role that is not listed there is a generic form and you can ask for assistance from the Diocese Safeguarding Team.
- Model Role Description: Basic Template
- Caretaker
- Children's Worker
- Flower Arranger
- Holy Communion Assistant
- Lunch Club Helper
- Pastoral Visitor
- Verger
Application Form
Model Volunteer Application Form
Model Interview - Discussion Form
DBS Checks
Most, but not all roles are eligible for an Enhanced DBS check and those carrying out checks must ensure both that the role is eligible and that the level of check carried out matches that required for the role. More information about which roles are eligible is available from the Church of England here and information about what level of check is required can be found here: Activities eligible for a criminal records check . If you are not sure then please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team.
Any organisation processing DBS checks need to ensure that that they a policy in place for Handling of Disclosure Information.
Anyone who is eligible for an Enhanced Disclosure should also be asked to complete a Confidential Declaration Form and to be given a copy of the CDF Privacy Notice.
Confidential Declaration Form
Confidential Declaration form Privacy Notice Template
Appointment and Agreement
Model Volunteer Appointment Letter
Additional Information
Each PCC should ensure that they have a nominated Lead Recruiter who is responsible for overseeing the DBS application process for all eligible staff and volunteers in the parish. This is usually the Parish Safeguarding Officer but they could be supported in managing the administration of the checks by a Parish or Safeguarding Administrator. As well as the Lead Recruiter it is possible to appoint ID Checkers who can also support the Lead Recruiter. For more information about appointing people to these roles or changing role holders please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team.
In some cases volunteers or paid employees will have obtained a DBS Certificate via another organisation which they have then registered with the 'Update Service'. In some cases it will be possible to use this DBS Certificate for the role they have applied to do in the Parish. In some instances it will not be possible. In order to assist Parishes to determine if this is the case we have issued the following guidance and a record form:
DBS Checks: How to Use the Update Service
DBS Update Service - Record and Consent Form
Each PCC should adopt a policy to ensure the fair treatment of ex-offenders, a template policy is provided below.
Recruitment of Ex Offenders