Safeguarding training

The Church of England has a safeguarding learning and development framework which ensures that training is available to everyone in every Church of England community to enable them to safeguard children and adults and to work and worship safely together. The framework was published in April 2021 and came into force from January 2022.

All church officers and volunteers are required to undertake some level of safeguarding training full details of which are contained within the Diocesan Training Strategy has been adopted for 2020 - 2023 and is available here. Some form of safeguarding training should take place at least once every three years, when you should refresh the highest level of training you have undertaken. A full list of the courses available, who they are for, how to access them and when to renew them is available below. 

If you are unsure of the level of training needed, please do seek advice from the Safeguarding Team. The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) and Diocesan Training and Development Officer are available to advise on training and other safeguarding practice issues.

Safeguarding Training – Core Pathway courses

Basic Awareness

This course aims to provide learners with a basic awareness of safeguarding and enable them to integrate this into their Christian faith and the Church’s ministry.
Who is it for?
Everyone! This is a required course for anyone requiring a higher level of leadership training, all church officers, and diocesan staff. 
How to access?
Access online via the Church of England's Safeguarding Portal.
When to renew?
Every three years. If you have completed more of the pathway you can just refresh at the highest level, but we recommend going through the course again as it is a good reminder of the basics.


This course aims to provide a deeper understanding of safeguarding and enables learners to contribute to, and implement, good safeguarding practice within church and community contexts.
Who is it for?
•   Anyone holding a bishop’s licence, commission, or permission, e.g. Clergy, PTO, Lay Ministers
•   Anyone training to become one of the above, prior to BAP, selection or discernment
•   Churchwardens, Vergers, PCC members
•   Anyone in a role working with children, young people or vulnerable adults
How to access?
Access online via the Church of England's Safeguarding Portal.

If you have a large enough group (10+) you might want to think about hosting an in-person Foundation Course in your parish – the Parish Safeguarding Officer can arrange this with the Diocesan Safeguarding Team by using this link to complete a request form.

If you have already arranged a date for a course you will need these documents for the session.

When to renew?
Every three years. If you have completed more of the pathway you can just refresh at the highest level, but we recommend going through the course again as it is a good reminder of the foundations.


Who is it for?
•   people “who play a lead role in shaping the culture of  the Church body concerned”.
•   All clergy holding a bishop’s licence, commission, or permission, Honorary/Assistant Bishops and Chaplains; all Licensed Lay Ministers
•   Parish Safeguarding Officers, Cathedral Safeguarding Leads 
•   Churchwardens
•   Tower captains working with children in their ringing groups
How to access?
This course is delivered as two sessions, usually one week apart, and is supported by a workbook which should be completed and submitted to the safeguarding inbox prior to the first session. Sessions are available frequently online via Zoom and occasionally in person and can be booked through our Eventbrite page
When to renew?
Every three years. You only need to refresh at the highest level, but we do recommend revisiting the Basic Awareness and Foundation courses for a reminder of the basics.

Pathway for those with Permission to Officiate

Who is it for?
This is a bespoke leadership training for any clergy or Licensed Lay Minister holding PTO in the diocese. 
How to access?
This course is delivered online via Zoom and occasionally in person and can be booked through our Eventbrite page
When to renew?
Every three years. You only need to refresh at the highest level, but we do recommend revisiting the Basic Awareness and Foundation courses for a reminder of the basics.

Other safeguarding courses

Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction

This course aims to engage and equip all Parish Safeguarding Officers with information they need to complete the varied aspects of this important role. The course includes information on what to do in the case of a safeguarding disclosure, managing risk, safer recruitment and use of the parish dashboards.
Who is it for?
This course is suitable for both new PSOs and those who would like a refresher.
How to access?
This course is delivered online via Zoom and occasionally in person and can be booked through our Eventbrite page

Domestic Abuse Awareness

This course aims to equip learners with the information they need to engage thoughtfully and proactively with the issue of domestic abuse and those affected.
Who is it for?

  • Anyone holding a bishop’s licence, commission, or permission, e.g. Clergy, PTO and Licensed Lay Ministers
  • Anyone working with children, young people or vulnerable adults. 
  • Parish Safeguarding Officers and Pastoral Visitors

How to access?
Access online via the Church of England's Safeguarding Portal. or in-person sessions by visiting our Eventbrite page.
When to renew?
Every three years.

Safer Recruitment and People Management

This course aims to equip participants with an understanding of safer recruitment and the skills and practices necessary to promote positive safeguarding behaviour (and detect safeguarding risk) once a person is in role.
Who is it for?
•   Line Managers and anyone involved in recruitment of church officers, whether paid employees or volunteers
•   Parish Safeguarding Officers and those with DBS administration responsibilities
How to access?
Access online via the Church of England's Safeguarding Portal.
When to renew?
Every three years.

Modern Slavery

An interactive course is in two parts that explores the role of churches in raising awareness and taking action against modern slavery as well as how we engage with concerns. Throughout the session you will gain an understanding of modern slavery and human trafficking and you will learning how to recognise, respond, refer and record concerns.
Who is it for?
Anyone, but particularly those with a safeguarding remit or those involved with a social action project. 
How to access?
Access online via the Church of England's Safeguarding Portal.

Please note:

The content of safeguarding training can be distressing for some people. If there is any reason that you are unable to access the training online i.e. not computer literate or would struggle with the content of the training or accessing it on your own, please contact your PSO or the safeguarding team to discuss alternatives. Likewise if you have started a module and find the material distressing, please stop and contact the safeguarding team for support.

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