Many churches in the Diocese are supported by a Parish Administrator. These roles cover a broad range of areas of service and are both paid and voluntary depending on the local context.
If you are a Parish Administrator, the Diocesan Email Newsletter can be a key source of information. Elsewhere on this page, you will find a range of other resources which you may find useful.
If you have any questions please contact the Parish and External Relations Team.
UCAN (UK Church Administrators Network) exists to support the church and promote the spiritual gift of administration by bringing administrators together, sharing excellent resources and providing high quality training opportunities.
Joining UCAN costs £15 per year (or £45 per year for a church with a ‘senior’ operations manager) and provides access to a members' database, conferences and training days, regular mailings and online resources.
In addition there are a number of area groups, including one in Bristol co-ordinated by Mark Parsons at Christ Church Clifton. Area groups meet regularly for peer support, sharing ideas and helping each other with questions and problems.
For more information about UCAN visit www.churchadministrators.net.
John Truscott is a church consultant and trainer who has written extensively on various topics of interest to church administrators.
The resources page on his website provides over 100 free resources on topics as diverse as writing a newsletter to time management.
For users of ChurchSuite, there is a ChurchSuite users forum which meets regularly in the Bristol area (usually on the same day as the UCAN area group). This is a group of local users of ChurchSuite who come together to share ideas and help each other with issues or ways to implement the system.
The group is not run by ChurchSuite itself, but an invitation is sent out by ChurchSuite to all users in the Bristol area.
Email support@churchsuite.com to find out when the next meeting takes place.
Parish Resources is a site provided by the Church of England’s National Stewardship & Resources team and offers over 400 pages of resources (web & pdf) to support all aspects of stewardship, administration and management in the local church, as well as links to other sites and pages of interest.