Live Life: Youth confirmation resource

’Live Life’ is fresh and flexible resource that introduces young people to the Christian faith and prepares them for Confirmation within the Anglican Church.

Through ten interactive and engaging sessions ‘Live Life’ aims to create safe spaces for young people to discuss, question and deepen their understanding of God. Each session follows a familiar and flexible structure with practical guidance for enthusiastic volunteers through to experienced youth workers and church leaders.


The sessions…

‘Live Life’ consists of ten creative sessions packed with discussion starters, video clips and bible studies to encourage young people to reflect on situations, stories and scripture that relate to them and their context.

The ‘introductory’ session explores the topic of faith and confirmation followed by six ‘core’ sessions that prepare young people for confirmation; sessions 2-4 introduces The Trinity with further sessions that unpack three Christian disciplines that help, sustain and grow faith.

For many confirmation groups, the Confirmation service often concludes the time together. However, to mark this poignant moment three ‘extra’ sessions have been written to continue the momentum and the relationships within the group as well as affirming and challenging the young people during a significant moment in their Christian journey:

‘Introductory’ Session:

1:            Faith - confirming or conforming?

‘Extra’ sessions:

2:            God: Creator or Created?

3:            Jesus: Man or Immanuel?

4:            Holy Spirit: Ghost or Holy Ghost?

5:            Bible: History book or life manual?

6:            Prayer: Talking or listening to God?

7:            Worship: Rite or ritual?

‘Bonus’ sessions:

8.            Church: Building or body?

9:            Disciple: One day or every day?

10:          Mission: Impossible or possible?


Click here to download (Zip file)


Produced by Diocesan Youth Advisers Dan Jones and Tony Cook in 2014 and now made avalaible online by request.
Dan and Tony write:

In our diocesan roles, we continually get asked by clergy, youth workers, leaders and volunteers about confirmation resources and all too often it seems as though everyone is searching for that one ‘amazing’ resource that ticks all the boxes. Both of us agree that living as a disciple of Jesus Christ is a life-long journey and any basic course about faith or discipleship will not have the capacity to teach young people everything they will need to know. However, a resource that provides young people with the opportunity to explore the Christian faith and a platform for building their faith on is an achievable goal.

Young people should always be given the option to choose for themselves whether they feel ready to publically affirm their faith through the promises made in a Confirmation service. ‘Live Life’ is a Confirmation course; nevertheless, we are both deeply passionate that confirmation does not become the ultimate goal. ‘Live Life’ provides young people with a safe place where they can enjoy exploring and deepening their understanding of God assured at any point they do not need to be confirmed if they feel it is not the right time for them.

Our prayer is that young people discover Jesus Christ for themselves and journey onwards as His disciple living life in all its fullness.

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