One of the glories of the Church of England is its liturgical worship and the patterns, forms and words through which public worship is conducted. As part of the rich Anglican heritage, the lectionary provides pre-selected Bible readings to use during worship or personal study throughout the year.
Many churches follow the set readings every Sunday as the basis of their worship and teaching. However lectionary-based resources for youth and childrens ministry to follow Sundays are few and far between.
With this in mind, Dan Jones, Youth and Children's Adviser for the Diocese of Bristol, invited his counterparts from Bath & Wells to work on his idea of a weekly youth-specific and versatile discipleship tool based on the lectionary. And the LecDeck was born!
The LecDeck is a deck of 52 cards for engaging young people in God's word. Each card contains a Bible reading selected from the principal service, thought provoking questions; prayer focus, a weekly challenge and quotable quotes to stimulate thought, discussion, learning and application.
Dan said: I am incredibly excited about the LecDeck. The deck of cards can be used in a number of ways; at youth clubs, home groups, Christian Unions, families at home, personal study or given to young people to flick through in a pew.
"Our hope is that young people will find depth and meaning in the lectionary readings and the LecDeck enables them to grow deeper in their relationship with God."
The LecDeck costs 8.00 (free P+P). Year A is be available to purchase to coincide with the beginning of the lectionary year (Advent). Years B and C will be available in the new year. If you would like more information please contact Dan. If you would like to purchase the LecDeck please click on this link to be directed to the online form on the Bath and Wells Diocese website.
More resources for Children and Young People are available here.