Parish Share: take responsibility | be generous | have faith
Next year sees the introduction of our new approach to Parish Share as agreed by Diocesan Synod. This means that 2017 is a transition year as parishes adjust and make their responses in light of the principles of taking responsibility, being generous and having faith.
A leaflet answering Commonly Asked Questions around Parish Share can be downloaded here
A leaflet with details about Parish Share can be downloaded here
An individualised request for each parish has been sent out.
The Process for 2017
By September, further information about what this approach to Parish Share will mean for each of our parishes will be shared with PCCs. This will include setting clear expectations of the commitment a parish may make in response to the three principles, based on the specific characteristics of the parish, along with information about how the money is used across the diocese.
During September, clergy and lay leaders are invited to attend a series of seminars to discuss and learn about the new approach.
Over September and October, please make time for PCC discussions about your Parish Share commitment. Each of our benefices will be asked to make a Parish Share commitment based on this approach by the end of October.
Through Autumn 2016, a Mission Resources Adviser, and team of volunteers to work alongside this person, will be recruited.
During 2017, the Mission Resources Adviser and team will be available to support and resource each parish to help us grow giving in our parishes and apply the principles of Parish Share.
Thank you for your support of mission and ministry across this diocese and for playing your part in our diocesan vision Creating connections.