A team from Bristol has just returned from Uganda
following the second Christ Centred Leadership Conference for Ugandan Bishops and their leadership teams, which is organised by the Diocese of Bristol in partnership with the Church of Uganda.
The group includes Bishop Mike, Bishop Lee, Chris Dobson, Stuart Taylor and the Revd David Hart, Methodist Superintendent for the greater Bristol and Gloucester circuits. They have been submitting updates on their travels and photographs via Facebook.
More photos from earlier in the month
Diary updates:
16th Jan - [Bishop Mike] Made the very long, hot and dusty trip from Murchison to Entebbe. Hanging out in the now familiar Boma Hotel until it's time to check-in at the airport. It will be a little bracing to leave 30+ degrees here for the predicted -1 degree at Heathrow. Brrr...
16th Jan - [Bishop Mike] Well, quite a morning so far. We went into the jungle to do a trek. Saw the usual assortment of bush deer and some monkeys and buffalo. Just when I was thinking that the trek was deteriorating into a gentle and harmless amble in the woods we came across in thick bush a huge bull elephant 30 metres away! There were 4 in total and because they could smell us but not see us they charged. Our guide managed to turn them round by tapping loudly on his AK47. Quite an experience!
13th Jan - [Chris Dobson] Wonderful welcome to Amuru for a service under the trees. Stuart Taylor received a rapturous welcome home!
12th Jan - [Bishop Mike] Last day in Gulu. Tomorrow we are off to visit one of the legacies of the days of war in N. Uganda - the huge displacement camp at Amuru. This will be a challenging day of travel and very likely a very demanding time schedule. Can't wait to see the people there again. Last time Anthea and I were there the war was in full swing.
12th Jan - [Chris Dobson] Just had a really good feedback session with church leaders in northern Uganda, some nice encouragement and lots of good ideas about what we can do better next time.
12th Jan - Bishop Mike Hill is in his comfort zone, challenging us all with 20 leadership lessons. Bishop Lee and Bishop Johnson enjoy a quiet moment while the delegates reflect on lessons learned as the conference draws to a close.
11th Jan - David Hart is making working within Church Structures exciting ... Boy is this man a gifted communicator!
11th Jan - Bible Study inrerrupted by primal scream led by the Bishop of Swindon. Apparently a way to relax before speaking, must remember not to turn on the radio mic before trying it. Now on to look at how structures can help us to lead - or is that a non-sequiter?
11th Jan - About 70 delegates are enjoying a good day of teaching on leadership. Excellent Bible Study in progress as David Hart opens up layers of meaning from the story of the Feeding of the 5000. Clergy in leadership really resonating with +Lee's call for a better balance of life, great shout of laughter as a priest confesses to being known as the 'dancing priest' just after the story of a 94 year old woman who spent her whole life dancing for the Lord and never used a walking stick once!
10th Jan - We've just arrived in Gulu and looking forward to meeting the 75 delegates at 8.30 tomorrow morning
10th Jan - Good day resting near Jinja, 390 km drive to Gulu, with a stop on the way to visit a Christian Aid project.
9th Jan - Travelling in the dark on the Jinja Kampala road, safety must be our prayer. With Mike and Anthea Hill, Lee Rayfield, David Hart, Stuart Taylor and Sheena Tranter, great company.