
Map of the Diocese of Bristol

A deanery is a geographical area within a diocese, comprising the parishes in that location. In the Diocese of Bristol there are a total of seven deaneries, each led by an Area Dean.

Bristol City Deanery

Area Dean: Revd David Stephenson
Phone: 07941 463653 

Area Dean: Revd Lizzie Kesteven
Phone: 0117 9650856 

Deanery Lay Chair: Anne Laurence

Uganda link: Dioceses of Central Buganda and West Buganda

Bristol South Deanery

Acting Area Dean: Revd Tim Godden
Phone: 0117 964 2734

Deanery Lay Chair: Eleanor Vousden

Uganda link: Dioceses of Mbale and North Mbale

Bristol West Deanery 

Area Dean: Revd Charles Sutton
Phone: 0117 974 1355

Deanery Lay Chair: Helen Clifton

Uganda link: Diocese of Nebbi, Kitgum and Northern Uganda

Chippenham Deanery

Area Dean: Revd Sally Wheeler
Phone: 01225 892180

Deanery Lay Chair:  Vacant

Kingswood and South Gloucestershire Deanery

Area Dean: Revd Bruce Goodwin
Phone: 07720 772190

Deanery Lay Chair: Mrs Kate Davison

Uganda link: Dioceses of Ankole, West Ankole and Ruwenzori

North Wiltshire Deanery

Area Dean: Revd Steve Wilkinson
Phone: 01249 723733

Deanery Lay Chair: David Briggs

Uganda link: Diocese of Kigezi

Swindon Deanery

Area Dean: Revd Sally Robertson
Phone: 07588 594410

Deanery Lay Chair: David Cain

Uganda link: Dioceses of Kampala & Luweero

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